March 14, 2016

Fashion Week // Designers Disconnect

With this seasons fashion week wrapping up, what became most noticeable is the encouragement by designers to disconnect from social media. One brand in particular, MSGM, announced their ban of social media via Instagram with a three-tile image of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Periscope icons, slashed through with a red line.

Their message encouraged consumers to: “ Disconnect to reconnect. #FW16 is the time to take a step back from overexposure.”

While social media is an integral part of fashion, as it encourages consumers to participate in the brand, it can at times lead us to not fully consume the environment around us. Taking a step back to capture the music, setting, and tone of the room can help viewers better understand the vision of the designer. If consumers can balance digital exposure with in-the-moment consumption, fashion can continue to pack a punch. We wonder how long this stance against social will last considering the influence it has had on propelling consumer interaction and purchase intent.
