January 3, 2017

Social Media // 2017

2016 was a great year for digital media and its now time to look ahead at what trends we can expect in the new year. Many consumers are going into 2017 feeling guarded or skeptical, so here are four words that will help brands place the consumer first when establishing their digital strategy.

  1. Offline: Brands should encourage actual human interaction and foster conversations that are heard by real people. Don’t just exist within the digital world.
  2. Unobtrusive: Allow consumers to feel safe by creating conversation regarding how you’re handling consumer data or, don’t collect any data at all by focusing on what the brand actually has to offer.
  3. Helpful: Focus on making “simple” and “helpful” a reality. Really help consumers rather than jumping from trend to trend.
  4. Polarizing: 2017 is the year to shape conversation by investing in more strategic thinking. Prove your brand’s beliefs and take a stand on important issues.

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