September 25, 2018

Hashtags in Captions Are About to be a Thing of the Past

Gone are the days of copying and pasting hidden hashtags below captions. It looks as if Instagram has listened to our prayers and managed to find a way to include hidden hashtags in posts. No final word on when (and if) it will be released, but recent screenshots from code hackers for IG show a feature in which users will be able to add hashtags in a separate field on their post, not within the caption.

This is the most non-intrusive way to add hashtags to your posts since… ever. It will be saving the guesswork attached to hashtags as well, with a built in menu of relevant keywords that will maximize reach. This new feature is truly the best of both worlds—brands will get to utilize hashtags to attract new audiences and categorize their posts, without the crowded and messy effect of in-caption hashtags. So far, no cap on the number has been announced, but we’re willing to guess it will be set to 30 given Instagram’s current standing rule.

Until then, we’ll be crossing our fingers that this will be made available soon.


-Leah Benzie
Social Media Editor
