May 21, 2020

TikTok Changes it's Music Rules for Businesses

Not that it's a competition, but if it were, TikTok would win as the social platform champion of quarantine. They have captivated audiences and brands with their quick content and addicting interface.

One of the coolest things about the app was that you can use popular songs in your videos, no matter who you are. Well, recently, TikTok has changed the rules for businesses and brands when using music. With this change, verified business accounts, will only be able to use royalty-free music on the app.

TikTok explains:

“We recently rolled out the Commercial Music Library. This new library enables verified businesses or organizations on TikTok to access a pool of royalty-free music for promotional content, and provides the tools and resources to help them further embrace the creativity and authenticity of the TikTok community.”

This will change how brands are viewed and how they use the platform completely. We know this will shift strategies and halt brand opportunities to jump on trends however we believe this is a time to get creative as a brand and think bigger.

We are excited to see how this change effects brands interacting on the app.

