January 2, 2019

2019 Design Trends: The Social House Predictions

Everything has been done before. In the design sphere, that is the one exhausted assertion that couldn’t be further from the truth. We at Social House continually investigate upcoming design trends in the social landscape based on color, typography, photography and motion/interactive. Take a look at our top five trends that have the potential to shape the course of our digital experiences in 2019.

1. Vibrant Colors
The use of bright, bold colors will be one of the more prominent trends this year. Living Coral, Pantone’s newly announced Color of the Year, demonstrates that this optimistic color has started to take place across all industries, and will continue to paint a lively presence in 2019.

2. Bold Fonts
Going the way of the color, we will see bolder and highly visible fonts in 2019. A lot of brands have embraced dramatic typography as they battle the dwindling attention spans of the average audience. In some cases, typography will replace images and gets more into the spotlight.

3. Minimal Retouching
As more prominent public figures like Lena Dunham, Chrissy Teigen and Jameela Jamil are saying no to airbrushing, a number of brands are supporting this movement to portray real, unretouched beauty in their campaigns. Expect to see less digital manipulation in 2019.

4. Asymmetry
Asymmetrical design is a movement that demands our attention. Contrary to the literal meaning, asymmetry creates balance. And as it breaks free from the predictable nature, it adds harmony to a composition. Asymmetry is an effective way to build interest as user scrolls.

5. Augmented Reality
With apps like IKEA, Google Translate or Pokémon Go, AR is changing the way we live, learn, and play. For brands, AR revolutionizes the buying experience for the customers. As mobile OSes become more powerful, AR implementation will become more widespread in 2019.

-Johan Loekito
Associate Art Director
